Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sketch: Beach Girl and Free Cookies

Whenever I watch the jdorama Beach Boys, it always makes me want to go to the beach. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend you do. Mind you that it's a pretty old series but it's definitely one of the best jdorama shows I've watched. Now you might ask, what does it have to do with drawing manga. The answer is, the beach!!! I made a simple rough sketch of an anime girl carrying a beach ball. When I started it, I didn't really have any kind of setting in mind. If you just keep on drawing and sketching, sometimes an idea will pop up. This is just a rough sketch, I have no idea if I'll finish it or just leave it like that. I have tons of artwork saved on my computer and 99% of those are sketches.

Update: One more just for fun.
I found an old unfinished artwork I was doing for a friend.

You get a free cookie if you can guess who these manga characters are^^

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